Built-In Page Selector Properties
- any_field=any_value
Match any of your own fields using any operator and any value.
- limit=n
Limit the results to n Number
- sort=field
Sort by a field. This may any field. Use "-" prefix to reverse sorting. sort=-field
- parent=id
Page parent using ID
- parent=$page
Page parent using an page object
- parent=/path/to/page/
Page parent using path
- has_parent=/path/to/page/
Limit to a certain parent (recursively all children). Only one parent can be used at a time.
- has_parent=id
Limit to a certain parent (recursively all children). Only one parent can be used at a time.
- has_parent=$page
Limit to a certain parent (recursively all children). Only one parent can be used at a time.
- path=/path/to/page/
Get Page with the path specified
- template=name
Limit to a certain template. Use "|" to have multiple OR's. template=name|name
- template=$template
You can also use a template object to compare
- start=n
Set start offset
- end=n
Set end offset (may be used instead of limit=n)
- include=all
Include all hidden and unpublished pages and pages that user doesn't have access to view.
- include=hidden
Include hidden pages in queries.
- check_access=0
Include pages that user doesn't have access to view.
- children.count=n
Pages with a certain count of children may also be used with greater than / less than operators.
- created=timestamp
Usually used with < > to compare timestamps
- modified=timestamp
Usually used with < > to compare timestamps
- created_users_id=int
Pages created with specified user id.
- modified_users_id=int
Pages modified with specified user id.